Anarchy no 2 …….

The abstract way

In this series I focus on abstract pictures because they offer me even more freedom than figurative art. I can do whatever I want but what do I want?

When everything is possible, much remains uncertain. I have to figure out for myself which signs, forms and rhythms I react to and bring them into a form without the leitmotif of an object.

I seek freedom, independence, almost the absence of any politics. Freedom does not mean randomness, coincidence or excessiveness. What I mean by freedom is the enhancement oft he aesthetic sensitivity.

 I compare it to improvisation in jazz. You have to know your material really well. And then you have to let go.

Jealous moon, 2023, Image size ratio 1:2

Terroir no 181, 2023, Image size ratio 3:4

Everything is what it is, that’s all. If we keep attaching meanings and mysteries to everything we perceive, everything we see that is, and to everything that goes on inside us, we are bound to go crazy sooner or later, I thought.

Thomas Bernhard

Kryptobiose, 2023, Image size ratio 1:2

Making pictures is play.

Play is anarchy.

Anarchy is freedom.

Everything else is politics.

Love is a realtionship between dying things, 2023, Image size ratio 1:1

The wilful child

Once upon a time there was a child who was willful, and would not dowh at her mother wished. For this reason God had no pleasure in her, and let her become ill, and no doctor could do her any good, and in a short time she lay on her death-bed. When she had been lowered into her grave, and the earth was spread over her, all at once her arm came out again, and stretched upwards, and when they had put it in and spread fresh earth over it, it was all to no purpose, for the arm always came out again. Then the mother herself was obliged to go to the grave, and strike the arm with a rod, and when she had done that, it was drawn in, and then at last the child had rest beneath the ground.“

Brothers Grimm

About the fairy-tales: 

The original texts were much more expressive than the „soft-flushed“ ones that are printed today. Have you ever read the Brothers Grimm in the original?

Von einem eigensinnigen Kinde

Es war einmal ein Kind eigensinnig und that nicht was seine Mutter haben wollte. Da hatte der liebe Gott kein Wohlgefallen an ihm und es ward krank, und kein Arzt konnt‘ ihm helfen und bald lag es auf dem Todtenbettchen. Als es ins Grab versenkt war, und Erde darüber gedeckt, kam auf einmal sein Aermchen wieder hervor und reichte in die Höhe, und wenn sie es hineinlegten und frische Erde darüber legten, so half das nicht, er kam immer wieder heraus. Da mußte die Mutter selber zum Grab gehen und mit der Ruthe auf das Aermchen schlagen, und wie sie das gethan hatte, zog es sich hinein und hatte nun erst Ruh unter der Erde.

Gebrüder Grimm