Oil on canvas

The abstract way


In this series I focus on abstract pictures because they offer me even more freedom than figurative art. I can do whatever I want but what do I want?


When everything is possible, much remains uncertain. I have to figure out for myself which signs, forms and rhythms I react to and bring them into a form without the leitmotif of an object.

I seek freedom, independence, almost the absence of any politics. Freedom does not mean randomness, coincidence or excessiveness. What I mean by freedom is the enhancement oft he aesthetic sensitivity.

 I compare it to improvisation in jazz. You have to know your material really well. And then you have to let go.

Oil on canvas, 100x120cm, 2017.


Oil on canvas, 120x90cm, 2017.


Oil on canvas, 150x130cm, 2018.


Oil on canvas, 150x120cm, 2017.


Oil on canvas, 120x90cm, 2017.


Oil on canvas, 140x140cm, 2019.


Oil on canvas, 150x130cm, 2018.


Oil on canvas, 80x80cm, 2017.


Oil on canvas, 140x120cm, 2019.


Oil on canvas, 120x90cm, 2017.


Oil on canvas, 120x90cm, 2017.


Oil on canvas, 160x150cm, 2016.


Oil on canvas, 120x90cm, 2017.


Oil on canvas, 60x60cm, 2018.


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